Avoiding HVAC Repair Service Calls

Avoiding HVAC Repair Service Calls

Filter on left is only 2 months old! A dirty filter is the culprit behind a lot of component and control parts failure. Failed components and control parts is the reason for furnace and air conditioning repair service calls! Check the furnace filter once a month…pull it completely out and check both sides; change as often as needed. Changing the filter once or even twice a month would be a small price to pay compared to the cost of a … Continue reading Avoiding HVAC Repair Service Calls

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TIPS To Prepare Your Heating Unit

TIPS To Prepare Your Heating Unit

This has been an unusual summer season with cool temperatures in August and really warm temperatures in September/October but it finally looks like Fall is in the air. Sweaters and light jackets are now used on a regular basis with the cool nights and cooler early mornings. This also means it’s time for warm air to run through the duct system to maintain a comfortable temperature inside your home. Here are some TIPS to prepare your heating unit for the … Continue reading TIPS To Prepare Your Heating Unit

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Is It Time to Replace Your Furnace, Heat Pump or Air Conditioner?

Is It Time to Replace Your Furnace, Heat Pump or Air Conditioner?

The heating and cooling system is one of most expensive appliance in your home and there is never a convenient time to replace your HVAC equipment.   First, evaluate and determine if  the furnace, heat pump or air conditioner is more than a decade old.  Has it increased in the frequency of service repairs during peak use?   Have you noticed inconsistent or uneven temperatures in different parts of the house?   Has there been a steady increase on your utility bill?   If … Continue reading Is It Time to Replace Your Furnace, Heat Pump or Air Conditioner?

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ABLE Heat & Cool HVAC Blog

HVAC Blog | ABLE Heat & Cool

Check out our new HVAC blog for regular updates and information on heating and cooling systems, HVAC system maintenance tips, information on improving heating and cooling efficiency, and the latest HVAC equipment and industry news. For more information and to schedule HVAC service in Troy, MO, contact the HVAC contractors at ABLE Heat & Cool.

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